Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Excuse me but, you have dancing boobs

Today I watched in wonder as a grown woman carried around a little dog in the front of her shirt stuffed between her breast. I saw several people touching her there and wondered what the hell?

Then a little flesh toned Taco Bell dog stuck it's little head up. Nahhhh, this is some kind of joke she just has a really nasty puppet she shows little kids. Nope. A dog.

Now here is the thing I love animals. Dogs most of all. When I was little all I ever wanted was a dog. I would steal them every so often from the neighbors down the street, now that I'm older I now understand why my mom use to call them trailer trash. They had all kinds of little dogs. So every couple months I would take one that was wondering bring it home and start to cry. "Mom look how cute it has no home, and it loves me already", she would yell at me tell me to stop stealing the neighbor doors and bring it home.

My dad being the brainiac of the family thought the only way to give me a taste of real pet ownership was to buy me some fish. Fish the most worthless family pet ever. Here sit in front of a glass tank and watch fish swim from one end to the other. Now here is the really great part.
That is pretty much all there is. Ignore them and before you know it you will have a Plecostomus named Sam that is a foot long. Super can we bring them to show and tale? No.

I use to love to go to my best friends house because she had dogs, all kinds. Big ones, small one, ugly ones, cute ones. You name it. I was in heaven.

But, I came home to fish. So you see I understand the love people have for pets. It is a deep love. One that at times you think you may love your animal more than your kids and husband.

When I was 13 just before Christmas I had just had another big fight with my parents about why they did not love me because they would not get me a freakin dog. I remember my mom saying "But, we take you to Europe and you have seen castles" Well you know what mom, even Crazy King Ludwig had a dog. My dad left all huffy and angry that he was dealing with this again. Three house later he walked in the kitchen where I was with my mom and said "Merry Christmas" wrapped in his coat was the picture perfect little tiny black puppy. Thor. Thor was the love of my life. I even thought about giving up my love for The New Kids One The Block for him- but, remember I was 13.

Thor brought this family together. The stern banker carried around this little puppy in a Santa hat for weeks, tucked him under the covers with him when they took naps. The stone cold heart of the German softened ever so slightly. Now it is most likely a old family myth but, it has been told that she uttered the words, "OHHH mommy loves her little Thor" Now she could be placed in a Mexican War camp before she would ever admit to it. The 17 year old, Julie even feel in love with Thor. Our family went a little crazy for this little dog.

Thor was with us for 13 years. I could write many stories about Thor, but I will do that another day. The point is we love dogs. My dogs now are like other hairy children. Alsta is deaf and we are waiting for her to join Thor soon. Phoebe is my sweetheart. I adore them.

But, how would it look if I went for a walk and a German Shepard stuck her head out from between my breast? Where do you store the leash?

Now I think dog strollers are one of the dumbest inventions ever. However I will take that over this any day.

People that go overboard with there animals are freaks. Just being honest. You are not ok in the nogin if you think it's ok to feed your animal off of your fork then stick it into the salad that everyone else is eating. Do people need to take classes when they get animals?
  • No I will not leave my dog in a hot or cold car
  • No I will not let my dog off their leash at the park
  • No I will not let me dog create a nest between my boobs and carry it around.
That seems like common sense.