When I was 16 I spent some of the summer in Germany. My accessory for the trip was a new camera. My parents gave it to me so I stopped asking them to use there's while we vacationed. And also because my mom takes about as many pictures of us as a blind person has eyeglasses. Nuff Said
I get two amazing "gifts" from my family
#1- I can cook because my grandma's are both amazing cooks and my mom is not to shabby
#2- I have an "interesting" eye for photography. My grandpa Red was an awesome photographer. Most of them were of fish, desert or my sister and I when we were little.
I love to take photos. Not just any photos but, fun, crazy, thought out pics. My arsenal if full of my sister in some kind of mind bending photo wizardly that I set up.
I wish that I could have been the one taking photos of my pregnancy and the birth of both kids because the people who did SUCKED.
Over the years I have got some pictures that to this day when I see them it floods me with emotions.
My goal for my life has been this-
I need someone to pay me to do my three favorite things
#2- Take Pictures
#3- Write
So now is the time. I won't be the best, some may not like them. I don't plan on spending years and years taking classing, spending oodles of mula and get a degree in photography. Who the hell am I kidding I have 2 kids, a mortgage and a life. Not happening
Over the last year I knew I was waiting for "something" I needed the thing for me. I have struggled with this and spent many nights awake, worrying that I needed something that I control. I trust in God's answers and I seek them out, praying and reading my Bible.
Well, Heaven sent my answer via Santa. Kinda fitting.
I don't like presents, get embarrassed or upset when I get them. Not this time
I was given my "answer" in the form of a new Cannon professional series camera. It is beautiful and I sleep with it by my side of the bed. No lie.
So I am jumping off the edge and in the next three months
The Thread Photography
Will be born!!!!!!!
Very Awesome I do say
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